Every individual has a right to live securely and live happily. A significant part of this healthy and happy life is shelter. Every individual has a right to get home to enjoy his or her leisure time. Most sections of society dream of getting a good home. The same is the case with the workforce population. These individuals who serve the community in multiple categories have stagnant wages. It has added to their struggle to live healthy and happy life.
Many individuals with meager incomes struggle to cope with increased expenses in daily life. They come from far-flung places in search of a job in urban areas. They are on the lookout for an affordable housing estate in such a scenario. Since the house rent and the price of these properties are always on the rise, it’s difficult for the workforce to get accommodation. It has thereby added to their struggle for living.
Economists believe that local officials and private agencies must collaborate to create housing policies. Since the housing costs are increasing, transforming these into affordable housing estates is the work of local governments. Remember that the problem is limited to the working population and the employers.
Needs of the workforce population
As illustrated earlier, the workforce population is medium-income families whose area median income falls between 60 to 120%. They spend around 30% of their income on paying rent. However, anything more than that is a burden on their pockets. Since they do not get lodging in the city centers, they get forced to stay away from the urban centers into the suburban areas. It adds to the commute time and creates troubles due to traffic.
Traffic congestion has also resulted in pollution problems. Hence, it has environmental repercussions. These low-income families, coming from suburban areas, have to bear the expenses of regular transportation. When these low-income individuals have got pushed away from the job centers, the traffic condition worsens, impacting the job center. Thus, Maxwell Drever says they cannot expect to live a healthy and happy life without suitable housing. Along with this, environmental impact and traffic congestion are well-established facts.
Problem with employers
This is another category of individuals affected by the short supply of affordable housing units. These are the owners of the means of production. Industrialists require a steady flow of labor in the industrial hub. However, since the workers stay away from the city centers, owners are enduring hardship in getting laborers for their industrial operation. Consequently, they have to pay extra for laborers coming from far away.
Role of the government
The need of the hour is a positive role of the government in private institutions. The high housing cost needs to get checked with housing policies. Along with this, local organizations and the federal government must work together to initiate programs to help these low-wage workers. Along with this, federal agencies must employ professionals to work on a proper blueprint of the transformation of hotels into residential units. Hotel owners and homeowners must come together to make housing affordability a reality, affirms Maxwell Drever. For this, they may transform their properties into residential units.
High authorities must think cautiously to solve this issue bringing every section within its shackle. Along with this, every part of society must collaborate to shoulder responsibility for solving this problem of the affordable housing shortage.