Some people think that using wood in an oven will ruin it like wood for the pizza oven. While trees are a sustainable resource, it’s not clear that this resource is used for food service applications. Furthermore, wood-fired ovens aren’t as clean as other fuels, so the hospitality industry might have reached a critical mass using wood. Additionally, wood-fired ovens release more carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air than other fuel types. Thankfully, better fuel choices are available than wood, including natural gas and liquid petroleum gas.
Oily woods ruin a wood-fired oven
The biggest drawback of wood-fired ovens is finding the right wood for the oven. Dry wood should be about 20% of its original moisture content. It should be greyish and have radial cracks. Wood with less than 15% moisture content is classified as overly dry and will produce too much smoke and creosote during the baking process. The best wood to use is kiln-dried hardwood, which is readily available. Some other types of wood you can use for baking include birch, maple, alder, and ash.
Charcoal releases toxic substances into the air
Although charcoal is often referred to as wood cinders, this is not the true definition. Charcoal is a product of burning wood in an oven with a limited air supply. Wood is a mixture of mineral matter and fiber, and when burned, these materials produce carbon dioxide and ash. Unlike charcoal, which releases toxic gases into the air, wood-burning in an oven is relatively slow. Because there is no air in the oven, the carbon in wood burns very slowly.
In addition to emissions into the atmosphere, charcoal burning causes permanent damage to the area underneath. Charcoal kilns destroy two to three percent of the cleared woodland area. This destruction is especially harmful in nations with weak regulatory systems. In some countries, outsiders can remove large tracts of woodland without compensating local communities, so devolved control is one way to ensure that rural communities benefit from the exploitation of forest resources. As we learn more about the causes of this global problem, our knowledge of minimizing the impact of charcoal burning is likely to become more apparent.
Charcoal is less efficient than gas
The process of carbonization requires high temperatures to break down the wood. As a result, woods begin to split into volatile gases, vapors, and solid char. At 400degC, charcoal has a volatile matter content of 30% and contains about 25% tar, so additional heating is needed to reach a final carbon content of 75%. Charcoal kilns are usually built from earth pits or mounds and are only 8 to 12 percent efficient.
The efficiency of carbonization is often expressed as the yield of charcoal per wood unit. However, this value is less accurate than a gas oven because the wood used in charcoal production is not as high in quality. Charcoal is slightly less efficient than gas, as the process of carbonization is inefficient. Typically, charcoal requires about five to ten tons of wood. The production process also wastes 60-80% of the wood’s energy.
Charcoal takes up a lot of space
Unlike traditional wood, charcoal burns hotter and cleaner than raw wood, making it the ideal fuel for outdoor cooking. Its use has evolved from ancient times. Blacksmiths and smelters have used charcoal to melt iron ore in blast furnaces for centuries. Commercial charcoal production began in dirt pits, where specially trained artisans were known as colliers. They made charcoal as a means of making money.
Choosing an oven woods kit with a charcoal burner can save space in your pantry. The charcoal briquettes you choose should be high quality and contain no added lighter fluid. Easy-to-light versions may have added lighter fluid that will eventually evaporate, leaving you with a pile of charcoal that doesn’t burn so well. If you’re buying charcoal briquettes, remember that the original paper bag may not be the best choice for long-term storage. The bag will absorb moisture, which can affect the quality of the charcoal.
Charcoal is less expensive than coal
While there are many advantages to using charcoal for cooking your food, wood can also be used in ovens. Woods are cheaper and easier to produce. While charcoal is lighter, wood offers the same calorific value. Making charcoal also saves energy and effort. Here are the main reasons why you should use it for your oven cooking needs. Listed below are some of the other benefits of charcoal.
It is lightweight and releases minimal smoke, making it a popular cooking fuel. In many countries, charcoal is the main source of thermal energy, and it is far cheaper than coal. Charcoal is similar to biochar and is produced through the carbonization process. Charcoal production kilns can be difficult to control, and the wood that is burned has larger pieces and more wood ash.