The 1920 United States Federal Census was conducted at the beginning of the twentieth century, during which most Americans lived in cities. In all, 106,021,537 people were counted. Information on the census includes address, name, race, relationship to the head of the family, age, marital status, and year of immigration or naturalization. Other details include school attendance, English proficiency, and literacy. Supplementary schedules are available for people who are deaf or blind.
106,021,537 people were enumerated
Enumerating all residents in the United States, including the military and naval personnel in all states and territories, was the final phase of the census. The United States also included the territories of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The census began on January 1, 1920, and lasted for eight weeks; it asked about the individual’s immigration status, education, and occupation. The census also asks about homeownership, whether it is mortgaged or free.
The schedules for the 1920 census are similar to those from the 1910 census, with one notable exception. The census did not ask about unemployment on the census day, service in the Confederate army or the number of children born. In addition, there was no separate schedule for Indians, and the census bureau changed its enumeration of inmates of institutions.
The 1920 United States Federal Census was completed in April 1920. The early 1920s saw the United States as the most prosperous nation globally, and its residents enjoyed a high standard of living. But 1920 was also a year of significant change and upheaval. The United States entered World War I, lost 100,000 soldiers, and the Spanish flu pandemic claimed at least 675,000 U.S. lives.
The cost of conducting the census has risen
The U.S. Federal Census has grown significantly over the years. Since its inception in 1920, the country has doubled from 76 million to 281 million people. As a result, the decennial census cost has climbed from 16 cents per person in 2000 to $16 per person in 2010. This is a significant increase compared to the 16 cents per person it cost in 2000. The cost of conducting the 2020 census is estimated to reach $14 billion, 211 percent more than the last census.
The United States Department of Commerce is now considering using a statistical sample to calculate the cost of conducting the 2020 census. Other nations are also studying the idea. Besides the United States, France and Israel also use the census to gauge population. While the U.S. census provides highly detailed data, it is also one of the most expensive. In 2010, the U.S. Census cost $13 billion. At the same time, the Netherlands’ census cost $1.6 million, or nine cents per person.
In the United States, the cost of conducting the 1920 United States Federal Census has increased by 164 percent, from 16 cents in 2000 to $16 in 2010. The census also requires more forms than in the past. Initially, only a few items were needed in a document, such as the ages and sex of the household members. However, the more questions were added to the form, the longer the form was. Later, the Census Bureau introduced several forms that asked for more information, including housing characteristics, birthplace, education, occupation, and even the person’s mother tongue.
Growth of cities and urban life
The growth of cities and urban life can be traced back to the 1920 United States Federal Census when a single population was estimated for ten million Americans. At the time, five large cities (including Detroit) were home to a million or more people, but by 1980, the urban density in New York City had decreased to about four thousand people per square mile, according to a recent study. The growth of cities is still a growing trend in the United States, but the city’s growth has slowed down in most areas.
The 1920s marked the beginning of the “Modern Era” in America. This decade also marked the first time in U.S. history that most people lived in cities. Five of the United States had a population of one million or more. While the national average population grew less, cities were growing faster than the rest of the country, primarily because the automobile had become widely available and encouraged the development of suburban areas. Manufacturing factories also needed workers to replace the soldiers who returned from World War I, and women filled these positions.
The 1920 United States Federal Census recorded more than 4.6 million people in Texas, almost 19 percent since the 1910 census. While the population of Texas grew, the 1920 census also captured the state’s economic, social, and political turmoil. More than 5,100 of the state’s population died in World War I, while a deadly Spanish flu epidemic spread through all state regions.