Your period is a perfectly normal part of life and one that almost every woman experiences at some point. It can be a challenging time and one that can come with a range of different symptoms. You need to plan well before either taking PMS supplements or planning mentally.
However, by taking small steps to make your period slightly more bearable, you can reduce its negative effects on your everyday life. From drinking plenty of water to taking care not to stress yourself too much, there are several ways you can make your period a little easier. Read on for a few handy tips on how you can ease the pain and stress of your monthly cycle.
Stay Hydrated
During your period, you’re likely to experience a drop in your energy levels and feel more tired than usual. While a lot of this can be down to the fact that you’re experiencing a hormonal shift, it can also be caused by a lack of water in your body.
Drinking lots of water can help to flush toxins from your body and reduce bloating, making you feel less bloated and sluggish. It can also help keep your mood in check, as a lack of water can cause your brain to produce serotonin less effectively, leading to an increased chance of experiencing depression and anxiety.
Try to drink at least two liters of water each day during your period, either in one sitting or split between a couple of times throughout the day. You should also try to ensure you’re getting enough water throughout the rest of the month, as drinking enough water is essential for keeping your body healthy and functioning properly.
Eat healthily and get some exercise.
As well as managing your stress levels, it’s important to take care of your health in other ways during your menstrual conditions or period. To lower the stress your body feels during this time, it’s a good idea to increase your intake of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, and magnesium.
You may also want to consider eating more fiber as this can help to alleviate feelings of bloating and cramping. Avoiding foods that are high in sugar, salt, and fat can also help to reduce your period symptoms, as these can cause water retention, which can lead to feelings of bloating.
Exercise is a great way to help to regulate your hormone levels and keep stress at bay during your period. Exercising regularly has been shown to reduce the amount of stress your body feels and can also help to regulate your menstrual cycle.
Try natural remedies
Apart from the vitamins and minerals, several natural remedies, such as peppermint oil and ginger, can help ease the pain and stress of your period. You can use peppermint oil as a face or pillow spray or even a foot spray to help ease cramping.
To do this, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. Alternatively, you can also try eating a piece of ginger to help to ease cramps. You can also try drinking chamomile tea or a hot water bottle to help relieve the pain.
Other natural remedies you can try include Epsom salts baths, a good old-fashioned foot massage, and lavender essential oil to calm and soothe your nerves.
Your period is a normal part of life and one that almost all women will experience at least once in their lives. However, it can be challenging to deal with and come with a range of different symptoms, and can compromise your health.
By taking small steps to make your period easier, you can reduce its negative effects on your everyday life. From drinking plenty of water to taking care not to stress yourself too much, there are several ways you can make your period a little easier. By following these tips, you can take the edge off the symptoms of your period and feel better prepared for it coming around each month.