Instead of developing their infrastructure, companies today purchase the infrastructure service from AWS for a specific period, lowering the fence to admission for entrepreneurs & innovators. The companies can count on AWS instead of having an on-site data center. The high availability, redundancies & all the other features in AWS make the infrastructure worthwhile. The data centers of AWS are scattered all around the world. These provide recovery in case of disasters. When a center gets defeated in one place, it can move over into another region.

There are a number of reasons to get AWS training. 

  • With all the technology taking the world by storm, learning cloud computing is necessary. 
  • For Information Technology, it can never be too late to use the cloud. With the speed with which the cloud is taking over businesses and IT, the consequential demand for cloud skills will be exponential. 
  • AWS has various services that range from servers to databases, robotics, Augmented Reality, and game development. 
  • A business needs to determine for itself which AWS service it needs, and for web developers, a tiny subset of those is needed. 
  • In the market of cloud computing, AWS is the authority increasing at an exponential rate. 
  • A candidate stands out for the opportunities of getting employed or starting a business if the candidate has AWS training and certification.

Learning AWS as a beginner

  • When starting as a beginner, one needs to understand the fundamentals of logic flow, algorithms, and data structures. 
  • As a beginner, being aware of AWS can be enough, instead of shifting your complete focus into it. 
  • AWS certification training would help you know the broader ecosystem. Beyond linking the dots as an engineer, it also supports, maintains, and makes the code available for all. 
  • Widening the scope of learning outside the standard programming fundamentals and getting to know AWS, “the broader ecosystem,” and other cloud systems are crucial in the current technological world.
  • AWS Associate is for someone with one or more years of experience in designing fault-tolerant, cost-efficient, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.
  • AWS training is trustworthy for IT professionals to achieve big in their professions. The companies today are ready to pay high to the professionals in the field of universal AWS platforms.
  • The research data shows that skills in Cloud Computing and related technology, specifically in AWS, are in high demand, and the requirements will continue to soar in the time to come.
  • AWS occupies a large part of the internet traffic. The government of the United States and the CIA are included in the examples. 
  • Companies like NASA, Expedia, Netflix, Slack, Adobe & Comcast use AWS cloud computing services.
  • There are many technology stacks available at AWS houses. One element is an Amazon Machine Image or AMI to create custom AMIs using any tech stack.

Beginners Concepts 

AWS cloud architect has a steep learning curve. Hence, a keen grasp of the technology fundamentals is required before undertaking AWS training. Some topics arise as the scope broadens and one understands the web development ecosystem.

  • Client-server technology – the bond between the server and a client
  • Awareness about the network protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, and the various methods to exchange conversation between client & server
  • An understanding of an Internet Protocol or IP address and addressing on the internet
  • Understanding Domain Name Services(DNS) and turning a URL(Uniform Resource Locator) into an IP address

As a beginner, the best way to start learning AWS is through the AWS tutorial videos put up by Amazon.


According to Forbes, the estimated expenditure on public cloud services is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate of 19.4%. In 2006, with its official launch, AWS was the first to mark its entry into the public cloud service market. And by 2007, there were about 180,000 developers on the platform. With 7-years of prior dominance from its competitors, AWS never lagged in its services. The present trend indicates a massive acceleration in the growth of AWS services.

If you wish to go along with the cloud in your career, the best way to boost your capability and skillset is through gaining knowledge about AWS. To the ones who are new and are willing to learn the technology, AWS offers one-year access to the cost-free tier available.

For both beginners and professionals eager to receive AWS training, there are many resources available to enhance their technical skills.