As an advertiser, your major concern is to make money from your ads, this is an investment and shouldn’t be viewed as gambling. While this may be so, you may be going wrong on your investment plan and throwing up your budget into the air.
It’s not enough to drive traffic to your websites or landing pages if your prospects wouldn’t be purchasing anything. Your money wouldn’t be refunded as this is a pay-per-click service and it will also increase the bounce rate of your websites.
That’s why in this post, you will learn 7 tips to save money on Google Ads and successfully increase your conversion rate. View website to learn more.
Organizing Your Google Ads Account
The first step in saving on your budget is to organize your Google Ads account. This may seem unrelated to you but it is essential as the organized structure of your account will determine the effectiveness of your Ads.
Grouping similar ads together based on common keywords will make it easier for you to edit and save time. Never makes the mistake of creating one group for all your ads. This will not allow for efficiency as there is a likely possibility that they will not have common keywords and you wouldn’t get to split bids or measure keywords performance. You should create ads groups based on the structure of your websites or landing pages.
Creating Better Ad Copy
The first impression prospects will have on your business will be obtained through the ad copy. This is so because that is the first contact they are having. Your ad copy is your online business card and should be proficient and well resonating with prospects. This is for prospects to click and follow through with all your CTAs to the final destination of purchasing or obtaining your services and products.
Your Ad copy should include a brief introduction of the product, the quality of your product, the uniqueness of your websites or landing pages to differentiate you from competitors. This will increase your click-through rate and improve the positioning of your ads.
Setting Daily Maximum Budgets
Before creating the campaigns and subsequent investment, have a projection of the results to set realistic goals.
You need to comprehend the common date-based averages, this is in a bid to get the idea of the cost per click and how well it aligns with your budgets. Do not set a budget plan alone but ensure you stick with the plan.
Using Ad Extensions
Another tip to save on money is making use of Ads extensions that will improve your click-through rate. Ads extension allows prospects to take action from the searches. This may be whether you want them to download your App, make a call through to you, know your offers, visit your websites, or locate you on maps.
Ads extension gives you an edge over competitions and allows prospects to know more about your business.
Using Location Targeting
It is unwise to allow your ads to pop up in a region where your business doesn’t operate. You can’t be operating a local business and targeting global audiences, you will keep on losing money.
It doesn’t matter how fine-tuned your ad copy is, if your targeted audience is not specific enough, your conversion rate will suffer. Identify where your audiences are located and update your targeting preferences to such locations or areas.
Set Negative Keywords
Negative keywords are those words or phrases you don’t want your ads appearing under. This is to ensure that your offers are not shown to irrelevant audiences.
If you’re selling brand new phones, you do not want your ads to appear under the radar of someone searching for ‘used phones’, so your negative keywords will include free. You need to understand that your negative keywords are determined by the niche you operate under, such as your industry, your targeted audience, your company, and your products.
Curating An Ad Schedule
After a few months of running ads, you should be able to get some data to create a schedule from.
Google will generate detailed reports for you which will help you with how and when your ads were interacted with. This way, you should be able to adjust your ads to be only visible during such peak times and in turn, save you some extra bucks.