If you are from Illinois, you should understand the traffic laws for when you are allowed to pass on the right. The Illinois Vehicle Code has specific instances where this practice is legal. However, being unaware of the law or not following it can be dangerous for everyone.
Drivers should remain vigilant on the road. If you are involved in an accident due to improper passing, do not hesitate to call 911 and law enforcement. They can provide you with help at the earliest. That being said, it is also important to consult with a Rockford car accident lawyer.
An attorney can ensure that your rights are secured while you can obtain the best possible compensation. Read this blog to know more about passing on the right on Illinois roads.
What does the law in Illinois say about passing on the right?
Usually, vehicles are supposed to pass on the left. However, in Illinois, the law permits passing on the right under specific circumstances. The Illinois Vehicle Code states that a vehicle is only allowed to pass from the right when it is completely safe to do so. They should not be driving on the roadway or pavement.
Drivers are allowed to pass on the right when they have sufficient room on a two-lane roadway and when the vehicle they are passing is making or about to make a left turn. Furthermore, passing is permissible on one-way streets or roads with multiple clear lanes on each side.
That being said, it is also important to know that passing on the right is not allowed in Illinois. Passing on the right is allowed within 100 feet distance of any intersection. Additionally, it is illegal to pass in construction zones or in school zones located in unincorporated areas.
Moreover, once you have passed by a vehicle from their right side, you must return to your lane before coming within 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle.
How to safely pass on the right: best practices
While it is typically not allowed to pass on the right, if you want to, you can do so but in the right way. You want to make sure your maneuver is safe and legal.
First of all, it is important to signal to the other vehicle that you are going to pass on the right. Drivers should use their turn signals to alert the other drivers on the road about their intentions. They are advised to do this signaling twice: once before moving into the passing lane and again when returning to the original lane.
Checking blind spots is also an important safety measure. You should never rely on just your mirrors to check who is behind you. There are various blind spots, especially for trucks. Make sure to perform a shoulder check to confirm that the adjacent lanes are clear. The very meaning of “blind spots” is that they are not seen in mirrors.
Finally, knowing defensive driving is highly important if you want to execute a pass. You should be aware and alert about the other driver’s actions and know what their next move is going to be. They should not be doing anything that could affect your past and make it dangerous.
What are the legal consequences of an illegal right pass in Illinois?
In Illinois, passing a vehicle on the right illegally can have legal consequences, including fines and penalties. Such actions are classified as improper lane usage or reckless driving. The fine for improper passing can reach up to $1,000 with court supervision for 24 months. Additionally, points might be added to your driver’s license.
Do Not get a traffic ticket!
The last thing you want is a traffic ticket because you were not aware of the law. Learn about the laws in your state to make sure you do not indulge in anything illegal. If you have gotten a traffic ticket due to passing on the right, hire an attorney in Illinois today!