Using a specialized digital dermoscopic camera and skin mapping software, a skilled nurse or doctor at Sundoctors Australia can perform a skin check with SunDoctors using digital imaging. High magnification and high light intensity are used in digital dermoscopy to illuminate skin lesions’ sub-surface characteristics, which are invisible to the unaided eye. Although it has limited use in diagnosing non-melanoma diseases such as basal cell carcinomas, it is particularly well adapted to the detection of melanoma. Remote diagnosis, early skin cancer detection, and preventative care are all benefits of digital imaging.
Diagnostic Reliability
Traditional dermoscopic techniques can yield relatively accurate diagnostic results, however, digital dermoscopy can improve the precision of skin cancer detection. Images are taken of all lesions that meet certain criteria that could signal cancer during a digital skin examination. A high-resolution dermoscopic image is typically taken after a standard photographic image of the lesion. Lesion-related information, such as itching or a sensation of growth, may also be noted. Digital dermoscopy can help doctors detect skin cancer and lessen the need for needless removal of benign lesions by connecting these facts in an electronic record. The necessity for biopsies may be lessened as a result of this technique.
Benefits of Maintaining Digital Records
One of the main advantages of digital dermoscopy is the ability to compare initial digital records to photos taken during later consultations. This makes it possible for doctors to identify skin alterations at an early stage and to treat skin cancers before they pose a threat. This is particularly helpful for patients who have a lot of moles—50 or more—or a lot of atypical moles—5 or more—because it can be challenging for doctors to monitor changes when there are so many moles. It is particularly helpful for people who are at high risk for developing melanoma skin cancer because many melanomas develop rather quickly from previously unblemished skin. Digital imaging patients are often examined at least once a year on a recurring basis.
Programs for Telemedicine
Digital images are frequently utilized in telemedicine, where a doctor or dermatologist evaluates the photos off-site but they can also be examined on-site by a doctor or dermatologist. Patients who live in rural locations without access to specialized medical care may find this useful. A dermatologist or other specialty doctor would send a report describing each lesion’s diagnosis and outlining any suggested treatments to a neighborhood general practitioner. A nurse or general practitioner can execute the time-consuming task of capturing images with the use of digital dermoscopy, which can help medical clinics with a high patient volume. A specialist physician or dermatologist can then complete the diagnosis. The specialist can quickly review the photos of many patients by concentrating on the diagnosis.
Conclusion:- Make an appointment with a doctor if you notice a mole, lesion, or anything else unusual on your body. Cancerous lesions need to be addressed as soon as possible to enhance your chances of entirely curing them, thus you should never wait until your next planned physical.