Try not to succumb to Lostloots at! They will speedily charge your card and at last they will send you a following number, however never transport your request. Fortunately I had the option to work with my bank and recover my cash. Disgrace on them for exploiting individuals and I trust one day it ends up back at square one.
About Lostloots at
Unfortunately, in the same way as other different casualties, I requested on October 27th, 2021. In no less than two weeks I got an instant message expressing they were behind in shipment however they were dealing with it. I got an invalid attaching number in November. After fourteen days, the transportation mark had been made with weight however Fedex has not gotten any bundle as of January 2, 2022.
I have messaged more than 5 times and I have likewise attempted the “visit with us presently” box on their site. I needed to assume the best about them since it appeared as though it was two siblings simply kicking the business off. I have had no reaction in months. On the “visit now”, all it will tell me is that my request has been affirmed.
I truly maintained that this should work out and really gave them a very sizable amount of time and possibilities. As of now, with no correspondence and the way that they have another send off of bundles selling currently doesn’t agree with me.
I suggest not requesting from this spot – you should go purchase your own lost bundles. Remove the center man, dissatisfaction and bother.