You’re probably wondering what it takes to find your best friend. It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at some point in our lives, but the answer is different for everyone. Some people have lifelong friends that they’ve known since grade school or college, while others meet their true BFFs years later when they’re already settled into a career and maybe even hitched to another person.

Friends quiz questions for adults are a great way to find out if your friends are really as close as you think they are. In order to help you find the answers, we’ve put together a few of our favorite quiz questions for adults.

So how do you go about finding your perfect match? Finding your best friend takes time, effort and patience; there’s no cookie-cutter recipe for this one. Here are my top five tips for finding your best friend:

Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone.

When you’re looking for a best friend, it’s important to be open to meeting new people. You can find new friends at work or school, by joining clubs and taking classes. The most important thing is just being willing to meet new people instead of sticking with the same groups and routines that you’ve always had.

Be open to all types of people.

There are no limits to the types of people you can connect with. You might be surprised by how helpful others can be, even if they don’t seem like it at first. They might surprise you with their wisdom, compassion or experience.

It’s okay to set boundaries. Be clear about what you need and don’t be afraid to ask directly for it when needed instead of assuming things will work out on their own (see: “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey). Sometimes we get caught up in trying to do everything ourselves that we forget we have support around us.

You’ll find your best friend when you stop being afraid of the unknown and just go for it.

Try to be vulnerable with others.

You don’t have to be the kind of person who’s always sharing every detail of your life on social media (you know, the people who are always posting about what they’re eating, or where they’re going on vacation).

But you should be able to talk openly with others when it matters. Vulnerability is a sign of strength and trust, and if you want someone to become your best friend, then they need to see that side of you. It takes guts.

But there’s another reason why being vulnerable is so important: it helps you connect with people on a deeper level. When someone opens up about something painful or personal in their lives, it tells them that this person really cares about them and wants to understand their experiences as an individual human being rather than just as part of some anonymous mass audience (like all those strangers reading this article right now). That’s one great way friendships form.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.

In the early stages of a friendship, it can be hard to know what you need from your friend. Your gut might tell you that this person is going to be awesome, but how do you know if they are?

It’s not just about being able to read or observe them and then deciding whether or not they’re a good fit for your life. It’s about listening for what YOU need, too.

And here’s some good news: This is one area where asking directly has been proven time and time again to yield better results than assuming.

So ask away. What does “being yourself” mean in this context? How do I identify what my needs are? When in doubt, ask yourself these questions: Am I willing to take risks on this person (and vice versa)? Am I willing to explore what makes us both unique, and celebrate those differences? Will I be vulnerable with them? Can we both trust each other enough that each person feels comfortable asking for what they need, and giving back when possible?

Be yourself.

Be yourself. It’s important to be true to yourself and open up, it takes courage but it will pay off in the long run. Don’t try to impress people by pretending or lying about your life or accomplishments. Be honest with people and don’t be afraid of being vulnerable or revealing who you really are as a person.

Be humble, compassionate and kind towards others, even those who may not always treat you well. If someone is mean or rude towards you just remember that they have their own issues going on so try not to take things personally – everyone deserves a second chance.