Studies have shown that 70 percent of US consumers binge-watch TV shows. On average, bingers watch five episodes in one marathon session. The average binge session lasts two hours and ten minutes. The most popular genre is drama, and 31% of bingers binge weekly..
Anxiety And Depression
In a new study, researchers have found that anxiety and depression are significant predictors of binge-watching behaviors. These findings indicate that binge-watching behaviors may be driven by escapism, loneliness, and other factors. While the research is exploratory, these findings can help people understand the factors that may lead to problematic binge-watching behavior. While anxiety and depression are important factors that predict problematic binge-watching behavior, they are not the only ones. The authors acknowledge that there is still much more research in this area. The researchers also suggest that the content providers of binge-watching content may have some influence on binge-watching behavior. For example, some services automatically load the next episode after a viewer completes one episode. Additionally, some season finales of shows may encourage binge-watching behavior.
Facilitation Of Immersion-Evasion
Recent studies have revealed a relationship between TV viewing habits and emotional regulation. According to the new study, people tend to gravitate toward shows that are “must-sees.” However, some barriers prevent viewers from becoming fully immersed in the show. The study’s participants were young adults who were undergraduate students with plenty of free time. Binge-watching TV shows have become popular in the United States and Europe, with most studies focusing on people in these countries. Many studies have shown that binge-watching TV series may regulate aversive and negative emotions. In addition, it may help people deal with problems. Other researchers have noted that binge-watching or keeping track of the best TV shows to watch is motivated by social factors. This could be related to the desire to become a part of a group and to feel accepted by peers. Another factor attributed to binge-watching is the ability to feel the emotions of fictional characters.
Compensatory Motivations
Research on binge-watching television shows suggests that people are increasingly motivated by compensatory motives, such as a desire to escape reality and avoid negative emotions. In addition, binge-watching is often associated with loneliness, as fictional characters are companions when people feel lonely. However, compensatory motivations can be problematic. The researchers found that individuals with high motivations to finish a narrative were more self-aware and attentive, and they felt less regret when they stopped watching the show. The authors of these studies also discovered that individuals with higher levels of narrative transportation were more likely to binge-watch TV shows.
Effects On Mood
A recent study on the effects of binge-watching on mood uncovered a surprising finding. Many people who binge-watch television series are likely to feel negative emotions afterward. This phenomenon is commonly associated with guilt, loss of control, stress, loneliness, and insomnia. The study was conducted with 645 young adults who reported watching at least two episodes of the same show in one sitting. Participants were asked a series of questions on a six-point scale. Those who scored above a certain threshold were considered to be experiencing problematic binge-watching.