Protecting your farms from wildlife pests is very important for your farm if you are a farmer. Whether it is a small hobby farm or a big commercial farm, every farmer finds it challenging to protect his farm from pests. These pests can damage livestock, feed, and crops there. Protecting them is necessary for their safety and health. You need to understand how to eradicate the pests from your farm to make sure that the livestock on the farm is safe and productive. 

This blog will guide you through the process of protecting your farm and your livestock from the wildlife pests in your area. It will also show you the practical solutions against wildlife pests. You can also get help from any residential pest control Irvine offers, as they are experts in effectively eradicating wildlife pests from your farm.

Understand The Common Wildlife Pests Which Can Infest Your Farm

Understanding the types of wildlife pests that are very common is necessary to keep them away from your farm. They usually vary from place to place, but some of the given are common everywhere.

  • Rodents are said to be the biggest nuisance when food is stored around. They are famous for their destructive and intrusive behavior. They can cut the electric wires from their teeth, and they can also gnaw through the feed, which is stored in the storage area of the farm.
  • In some places, deer are also a nuisance for the farm owners. If your farm grows fruits and vegetables, you are at risk of deer coming into your farm. They also carry Lyme disease, which is very fatal for both humans and animals. 
  • Some birds, like crows and pigeons, can also cause damage to the corps by pecking at them. They also spread seeds that lead to weed infestations. Their droppings can cause serious diseases and also contaminate the water and food that is present on the farm.

Understand The Preventive Measures You Can Implement

You need to know how to prevent them from coming inside your farm physically and chemically. That will help you save your money by not needing pest control from the beginning.

  • Physical barriers are the most basic thing to do to keep them from coming inside. Fencing can be effective against deer, and Electrified fences will be helpful to prevent smaller mammals from coming inside. To keep the rodents away, you can use metal storage rooms so they can not gnaw their way into the storage room. You should seal all the entry points as that is also very useful in cases of small mammals.
  • Pests are usually attracted by the food and water on your farm, so you can make it so that it would not attract them anymore. You should regularly clean your food spills and keep your feed in metal containers. You should trim all the weeds and vegetation around the field to make it unattractive to them.
  • Repellents are also a very good option for you to get rid of all the unwanted pests from your farm. Using deterrents and repellents will prove extremely effective against the small pests. Visual deterrents like scarecrows and reflective tapes will keep the birds away from your farm.

Understand The Control Strategies.

Some control strategies need to be implemented on your farm to keep the pests away from your farm. You can trap the animals that frequently enter your field and harm your crops or livestock. There are special traps for different animals that need to be learned how to use and then implemented properly.

You need to monitor and inspect your farm regularly to detect the early stages of the invasion. Check your fences, barriers, and buildings every day if possible. You also need to keep a complete record of the pest sightings, damage reports, and control measures, and that will provide you with valuable insights into the results of your pest control.

Contact Your Pest Control Service Today!

They will professionally help you get rid of the pests on your farm. They will also guide you on how to put the traps in place for the various animals your farm is infested with.